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1st Scientific Workshop


Auditorium «G. Kotzias»

Centre of New Biotechnologies and Precision Medicine (CNBPM) of the Medical School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Greek Research Infrastructure for Personalised Medicine (pMedGR)

On February 27th, 2020 the 1st Scientific Workshop of the Centre of New Biotechnologies and Precision Medicine (CNBPM) of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) Medical School, as well as of the Greek Research Infrastructure for Personalised Medicine (pMedGR) took place at the School’s new Auditorium «G. Kotzias».

The purpose of the workshop was to present the objectives, goals and functions of CNBPM and pMedGR, both of which have been established due to the vision and perseverance of Professor George Kollias, Member of the Academy of Athens and President of the Scientific Board of CNBPM, and Professor Petros Sfikakis, Dean of the Medical School and President of the CNBPM Board of Directors. CNBPM and pMedGR position the Medical School at the core of the application of precision medicine in Greece, facilitating future collaborations with other centres in Greece and abroad, acquisition of competitive research programs and development of good practices and procedures that will allow precision medicine to reach Greek patients faster.

The workshop’s date coincided with the publication of the Rules of Procedures of CNBPM in the Leaf of the Government Gazette, as announced by the in his opening salutation, thus marking the centre’s official establishment.

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